Calcium Buildup in Toilet: Why Does It Happen and How Can It Be Removed?

Hard water contains high amounts of dissolved minerals, including calcium and magnesium. As water flows through your pipes, some calcium and magnesium minerals are left behind. Over time, those minerals can build up, causing unsightly stains and scaling.
One of the most obvious signs of hard water buildup is in the toilet. You might see a white or rust-colored ring forming at the waterline or staining at the base of the bowl. If it’s really bad, limescale and calcium buildup can plug the water jets under the toilet rim, causing slow, weak flushes.
Cleaning with Vinegar or Other Acids
Use vinegar or another acidic cleaner to clean calcium buildup from your toilet. The acid will break down the mineral deposits so you can brush them away. Be sure to take the necessary safety precautions when working with cleaners. Wear gloves and eyewear and open windows for ventilation.
Cleaning the Toilet Bowl
When removing limescale from the toilet bowl, pay attention to the base of the bowl, the waterline, and the water jets below the rim. Each of these areas can be prone to mineral buildup.
Step 1: Remove water from the bowl
In most cases, you’ll want to remove water from the toilet bowl so your cleaning solution can work undiluted. To remove water from a toilet bowl, use a plunger to force water out of the U-bend.
Another way to empty water from the tank is to turn off the toilet’s water valve (located near the floor). Flush the toilet a couple of times. This will drain water in the bowl as well as the tank. Because the water valve is turned off, the toilet won’t refill.
Step 2: Apply your cleaning solution
Pour your cleaner onto the affected area and give it time to work. If using a vinegar solution, you may need to wait a few hours for the vinegar to dissolve and penetrate the hard calcium buildup.
Step 3: Scrub with a firm bristled brush
Once your solution has had time to work, use a toilet brush or a scouring pad to scrub the limescale away. (Do not use sandpaper or metal scraping tools as they will scratch the porcelain, which can lead to faster staining and buildup in the future.)
Step 4: Clean the water jets
To clean calcium from the under-rim water jets, use a foam paintbrush to apply your cleaning solution around and into each jet. Do your best to press the solution into each jet. Once you’ve set it for a while, use a stiff, bristled brush to scrub the jet clean. You can also use a small wooden skewer to help clear sediment from the jets.
Preventing Limescale Buildup in the Future
The cleaning process is only a temporary fix. Also, keep in mind that using highly acidic cleaners does a great job of cleaning up the calcium, but exposing these harsh chemicals to your fixtures regularly can also do their damage over time. Consider installing a water softener to avoid unsightly limescale and calcium buildup in the future without going through the laborious cleaning process.
Water softeners provide a long-term, cost-effective way to avoid calcium buildup once and for all. Water softeners turn hard water into soft water by removing calcium and other minerals from water. No more scaling inside your toilets, pipes, or other fixtures!
That means your appliances will last longer – and look good longer – without costly products and time-consuming cleaning. On top of that, many people find that soft water is easier on their hair and skin. Soft water can be better for you, your family, and your home.
If you’re tired of calcium buildup in your home, consider a water-softening solution from Evolve. We’ll connect you with a local water treatment specialist who will visit your home for on-site water testing and design your household's ideal water treatment system.